Integrated Medical Association(IMA-AYUS) founded in March 2012, is a non-government organization working for the betterment of the integrated system of medicine. IMA-AYUS is having a patron organization ALL INDIA INDIAN MEDICINE GRADUATES ASSOCIATION (AIIMGA) founded in 7th November 1987. Though every single contribution towards establishment of this pioneer association is our strength still our founder stalwarts of ISM are required to be named here.

Dr O P Vashisht

Dr R S Chauhan

Dr J S Panwar

Dr D C Sharma

Dr D D Sharma

Dr Sanjeev Bhargav

Dr T C Goyal

Dr O P Sharma

Dr S C Paliwal

Dr S P Pandey

Dr Harishankar Dev Sharma

Dr C B Parashar

Feel the need for an association that works with high motivation, enthusiasm, honesty, and untamed raw energy to cope with the challenges in the field of ISM. Since its inception, the Integrated Medical Community started organizing itself to face challenges in a structured manner. On 12th February 1988, AIIMGA got registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 and became an apex organization representing institutionally qualified ISM graduates recognized by CCIM.

Since then the organization endorse integrated system of medicine which means a conjoint, concurrent study, Training practice in Ayurveda/Siddha/Unani tibb modern system of Medicine in all its branches including surgery obstetrics.


  • Association & its members always actively participating in national health programmes (pulse polio, stopping female foeticide, prevention of blindness, tuberculosis, malaria, hiv, drug de-addiction etc), sports, immunization camps, blood donation camps, eye camp also help society in natural disaster.
  • Association always demands separate ISM Directorate in Delhi and separate AYUSH Ministry in central GOVT. and more ism hospitals & dispensary for public.and  more research in tha  field of ISM to reduce dependency on modern system.
  • It’s members became the part of various committtees made by state & central government.
  • Association take part in several CCIM & DBCP elections.
  • Several Dhanwatri day celebrations and other events successfully completed till date.
  • In 2012 AIIMGA renamed as IMA-AYUS with huge increase in its members not only in Delhi but in NCR & different states i.e. Haryana,Uttar Pradesh,Himachal Pradesh,Karnataka etc.
  • In Delhi its having several zones & sub-zones with separate committees work under Delhi state team. Same model applied in other states also.
  • Association fights several court cases from famous Mukhtiyar Chand case,Haryana High court case (in which Haryana govt. Step back its decision to register quacks in ayurved board) Delhi High Court 2008 case, presently slp in Supreme Court where AIIMGA is a party.
  • Association guides its members to the coming challenges like Proper DPCP registration process, DPCC registration process and Also take active part in giving comments & suggestion’s in every draft comes in public domain by the state & central government (NCISM, clinical establishment bill, healthcare personnel safety bill, Delhi Health Bill, 2019).
  • A delegation of IMA-AYUS in charmanship of Dr R P Panchal represent ism in front of standing committee of Rajya Sabha in Parliament Annnexe before the Hon'ble MP and the Chairman of the committee Dr Ram Gopal Yadav.

Objectives of IMA - AYUS :

  • To promote holistic approach in the field of medicine with integrating medicine in all its branches, to promote & improve public health & educating them.
  • To protect the right’s of ISM practioner’s to practice in integrated medicine.
  • To maintain the honour & dignity of ISM dr’s.
  • To increase co-operation among members.
  • To uphold the interest of medical profession.
  • With an encompassing vision IMA-AYUS has set it’s own pace for growth and progress
  • Which could set it scale more pristine heights in future. We are confident, passionate, honest, hard working associaton.
  • Standing on a solid base founded in the past to take on the future challenges to our best.


Our motto is to protect the interest of AYUS doctors, promote integrated practice, and encourage pure Ayurveda and Unani practice for the benefit of society.



Our vision is to become the dynamic voice of AYUS doctors, empowering individuals and communities to enhance health and well-being.



Our purpose is to provide leadership within AYUS professionals and promote a positive vision for integration and a holistic approach to health and wellness.



IMA represents AYUSH doctors in India to preserve, protect, and advance conscious-based integration philosophy for the benefit of all beings.